Edelweiss, who am I are to argue with an expert?!! blush I'm delighted that I could help, if only to bring a sunbeam of assurance into your dream.

As for rereading and editing - ad nauseum - and yes, now I cringe at some parts of my book because I'm older and so much wiser now and would deal with some subject matters quite differently.

One of my tricks was to break the book up into sections and only read a few chapters at a time, then put it away for a few days, then come back and read the next section, always overlapping from the last chapter of the last section I had read previously - i.e., if I had read chapters 1-5, amending and making it all cohesive, then the next time I would read chapters 5-10, and the next time 10-15, etc.

My biggest problem, and it's even worse now, is my memory. If I read a chapter today, I cannot remember having read it tomorrow. So I can't remember if I've repeated something, or kept the cohesiveness. This has been a terrible problem for me for many years, to the point where it's one of the reasons I can't work anymore, I simply cannot remember instructions or anything unless I either write it down (and remember to read what I wrote) or know the process/requirements so well that I don't have to remember.

It's also why I can't play piano anymore. I've been playing since I was nine years old, have played in concerts, church choirs, etc, etc all my life. But now I can play through a piece of music that I've played all my life, and suddenly forget how to play, not just the piece, but the notes themselves. I sit at the piano and cannot remember how to find the note - this is actually the first time I've ever told anyone about that memory loss. I have to really concentrate on remembering - write lists, notes, post things on the fridge, tell hubby so he'll remember. Nobody but me knows how serious it actually is.

Okay, so that was a long-winded sidestep from topic! Sorry. I began to go there to explain why I have to overlap the chapters in order to watch for continuity and cohesiveness.

I'll come back and share more as I think of it. I'm touched that you had a dream of me...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)