This delicious treat is perfect for an evening snack for almost anybody. It's a cold sorbet-like dish, and great for fast weight loss.


2 over-ripe bananas
1 tablespoon applesauce
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg


1. Peel bananas and mash thoroughly in a bowl.
2. Add aplesauce, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Blend well.
3. Cover and place in freezer for several hours.

Many fruits make delicious smoothie "ice cream." Try apples or pears as well, just peel and pop in microwave until softened. After you core the fruit, mash or puree it in a blender.

Try juicy fruits such as peaches (is really good) or pineapple. Omit the applesauce if you choose, and substitute artificial sweetener instead. Try a splash of lemon or lime for a sweet/tart taste.
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