Well gims,...I just fell into it. I have an undergraduate degree also in English Literature. During my last 2 years, I was volunteering in my free time, at a resource centre that specialized in information on third world issues, history, multiculturalism, aboriginal/Native Indian issues...and yea, racism. smile The library served primarily: a) Canadian foreign aid workers about to go overseas to work in the developing countries b) teachers and high school students (and up) with resources to develop their course/teaching curriculum on such topics.

The library was to save teacher lots of research time on their own to gather, analyze and synthesize the content to develop lessons. There was also support resource materials for English as a 2nd Language for teachers to use.

So it was at this library, I saw what the librarian actually did and how certain services were delivered. It gave me a great excuse from feeling useless with an Honours BA in English Lit....by entering into the MLS program. But what really nailed it was when I learned of a doctor who got information from our library. He was about to be placed in South Africa, when apartheid was still enforced. It made me realize the value of changing lives by providing right/good information...

I can't quite claim that I've always wanted to be a librarian since I was a kid. No, I wanted be a poet or artist for the longest time..

If you can get into this link...there's more longer list where I've been.. http://forums.teamestrogen.com/showthread.php?t=27099&highlight=library
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)