Not to hijack the thread, but a friend recently told me to check out The Lace Reader. It must be good because all the libraries in town have a waiting list for it, dang it all! I've been on one for a bit and will get my copy on Monday, along with Loving Frank, the one Dotsie has recommended for the next read.

Anyway, movies I check out from the library are all the British mysteries. If anyone EVER has ANY of those for sale, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know!

My tip for the day...eggshells and coffee grinds make great fertilizer for plants!

Also, making calendars for Christmas or Birthday gifts is an easy thing to do if you're looking for a homemade gift!

Save your old worn out brooms to use outside for sweeping the front porch or carports. Lordy...I get my monies worth out of those!