I loved reading your work - thanks for sharing. There is so much out there that can be done with poetry. I would start researching and submitting. Perhaps you'll be the next poet laureat. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.

PS. I was very sad for Bonita Rose, yet I suspect that her story is not that unusual. As adults we don't realize the full effect of our actions on kids. Even at a very young age. Her trust level will never be the same. There are a lot of Bonita Rose's out there!
From My Book: Generation G- Advice for Savvy Grandmothers"

"Grandmothers are a new kind of breed. I know I am one. Baby boomers are changing the face of grandparenting for the 21st century." www.martynorman.com, http://savvygrandmothers.blogspot.com