Hi Orchid, I thought to respond to your post about your commute during winter freezing weather. You are very sturdy to walk in that kind of weather. But I guess you have no choice. Got to get to work. I'm glad that this year I will be able to sit on my butt and not go out and about showing houses in blizzards. Which direction am I going in? Thanks for asking. I have a rough draft of a book about my cancer experience. I've been avoiding the book for years. I don't like revisiting that time, but I know I must get to it. I'm thinking of titles as I work on the rough draft. I am also stepping up the work I do in regards to my book Beyond the Tears, and the Project for TEARS. I am being asked to mentor others who want to write about recovery from abuse. I don't know if I want to do that intensive work for no compensation, so I am thinking about what it is to be a "writing coach" for a set fee. I am developing more skills on the computer, including picture making. And, I wil start painting again. You know how relaxing that can be. Mostly, I want to be a recluse. I do like having my "housemate" and her little boy and little dog. My husband is very accomodating, too, and asked her to eat with us tonight. He cooked. Pesto over pasta. Nothing from a jar! L