JJ, I always used food coupons all the time, but have gotten out of the habit. These past few weeks, I've started collecting them again. I forgot what a kick I got out of saving bucks. I'm also trying to use less electricity. It's easier now that the kids are no longer living here.

My son works for what was, only one year ago, one of the best places to work in Baltimore City - Constellation Energy. Within one year, it's going down the tubes. Warren Buffet just bought it two weeks ago. The stock dropped severely. My son and his department were told they won't be getting the bonuses based on prior percentages. They've fired many contractual employees, and God only knows the future of his job. This is very frightening, especially for the older people who have been employed there for a much longer period of time. People are getting scared.

I'm also concerned for all the small businesses that are crumbling. There's not a soul to bail them out.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.