I'm changing brands to accomodate the grocer price increases. Line drying clothes to accomodate the 20% utility increase.

At work, we will not receive any 401K contributions nor Christmas bonuses. I count on the bonus to not only pay for Christmas, but pet vaccinations, yearly termite contract, and vehicle taxes. This year I will not purchase office gifts and for the family purchase that which they need, not what they want. For instance, gift cards or educational items for nieces.

Also, at work they've let 9 people go - 7 in our coastal office and 2 in the upper state. Yet, the attorneys continue to spend at least $2K a week in entertainment - money that could go towards 401Ks and bonus. The attorneys will receive 401K contributions. Not the staff and we out number them.

I sure do hope that this 'bailout plan' and after the elections that the economy turns for the better for the long term. I hope folks wakeup and realize how to live with less and spend more time with their families and communities - unite!