Meredith, first let me say congratulations again on 1st place finish in the annual show.

I have given your post considerable thought and I have read all the posts. Here's my 2 cents worth.

Location being number one on my list: Why is the previous leaser, with good stock, not making it in a prime location? This is a good question that you really need to address.

Advertising - In store: Are you responsible or will your first place finish be part of any ad campaign for the store? Will you have a professional ad on your display that states that you are a first place winner?
Is there any such thing as out of store advertising? If not,why not? Any brochures for the store?

Setup: Is there a generic setup or are you allowed to do as you see fit for your collection? Presentation is imperative.

They are very lucky to have you and they recognize that. I would try to come to some better agreement that makes YOU feel more comfortable about displaying your art in this location. Sit down with all involved and express your concerns. See if you can come to a solution that works for both parties.

Your jewelry is beautiful and deserves front row center. Wishing you the best in making your decision.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~