Wow, what a great thread. I have enjoyed getting to know you all with this topic. To know what someone is reaching for is to really see into their heart and soul. What lovely hearts here.

My most recent goal was to move from being a Women's Ministry Director to a Christ Centered Life Coach. I love working with women, seeing them overcome the lies, fear, shame and limiting beliefs that keep them captive and unable to dream. I have first had to allow myself to dream again. I have to overcome my own junk - of course a life-long process. There's always some toxin to clean out - the debris of living in an imperfect world and being an imperfect person.

I'm reaching next to launch a women's coaching club to help women gain the support they need and give the gifts they have - to one another. To reach into the uncomfortable new from the accepted pain of the status quo. Which means of course, that I am VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for this topic and allowing me to say this all "out loud" to such fine women. Blessings!
Barb Wilber