Going back to the teen years. That would be fun if I could change some things. Eating-I didn't like to eat then and loved Hot dogs,eggs, cherry colas. Of course at home we had a balanced diet.
After school sometimes we had french fries and a cherry coke. I did drink a lot of water. The kids would laugh because I never could pass up a drinking fountain. They all knew why I was late to class I'd end up in the bathroom.
we lived close to the schools until I was fifteen so I walked everywhere, was a skinny minny. We practiced our batons every evening and then in the community groups on Saturday so I was
an active teen.
I have learned to drive and go anywhere, with the diabetes have gone back to walking and eating a balanced diet. If I went back to teen age
years I would eat better but as I watch my family
they don't eat right either.