..not mine, his relatives from germany who just visited us earlier this wk. She's 52 and he's 58. They took up snowboarding a few years ago. She said he was the oldest student in the snowboarding course. I even saw a little video clip of him snowboarding along a gentle slope but high up in the Alps.

Now..that is 1 sport I just couldn't pick up now.

By the way, she (his cousin) is a changed women from 15 yrs. ago that I saw. For last 6 years, she's been doing strength training and working out at the local gym. She looks more buff. He also has taken up cycling several times a wk. after work for past few years. They do their thing separately on their own but look..happy and active.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)