JJ you gave me a lot of food for thought, and I’m on a diet. Hee hee

Well, the half moon shadows are explained in the first chapter, where a girl has such big shadows under her eyes they look like half- moons. But I thought about what you said…and then I pictured a coyote yowling at the moon; so I think you really have a point there.

I’m just afraid the title; “Run Melanie Run” may make readers think it’s about an athlete. It’s not; … she’s running for her life.

Great tips though, JJ. I probably should join a book club like Louisa has started, but in Germany, an English speaking book club? No luck.

Has anyone ever suggested putting excerpts from some chapters of their book, to get criticized? Or is everyone afraid the ideas may be stolen from someone online?
A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson