I give Godiva chocolate as gifts. I steer clear of their store in the mall though. I only order online so I'm not tempted to pick up a little extra. I can gain five pounds just gazing in their window. Sigh. They have the most lucious chocolate covered strawberries. And we're talking BIG strawberries. Not the kind you find in the grocery store. BIG. Lots of chocolate.

I like Dove chocolate too because of how smooth it is. It's very rich, I can't eat very much of it.

But, like Dotsie, my heart is a sucker for a hershey's kiss. Did you see they now have the special dark ones? Gotta look after that heart!! LOL.

I tried the Lindt 70% cocoa bar a long time ago. Not bad, just the teeniest bitter.

I'm with you JJ, I know I was framed. That chocolate bunny had mischief on his mind. I know it.