Eagle, I don't know what prompted you to say that about me. With sweet tears I humbly thank you for thinking of me. So many of us have been through the dark nights of our souls. What I've learned is by the grace of God. But first, I had to learn to recognize the grace of God. I read this in "Eat, Pray, Love" and I thought of Dotsie's initial post on this forum: "...there have been others who choose instead to get up before the sun and wash their faces and go to their prayers. And then fiercely try to hold on to their devotional convictions throughout the lunacy of another day." And I thought of Eagle with this line: "You have no idea how strong my love is." (context is that the author hears this as if a message from God." And this for me and my brother (perpetrator): "When the karma of a relationship is done, only love remains." I think of the word "karma" loosely, as if Karma is what the people are meant to go through in their relationship to get to the other side, which is love. Thank you Eagle, I do feel more devoted than afraid. I KNOW you are, my dear friend! From "Eat, Pray, Love" "Devotion is diligence without assurance." Thanks for the link to the article, Lola. It is deep to me, and required a couple of readings to grasp all he said within those sentences. L, PL

Edited by Princess Lenora (08/01/08 01:30 AM)