Mountain Ash, your poem is so perceptive - and encapsulates my own evolution so well. "This is from where we can sift the grains of truth From the chaff of needless planting Sown by the ideas and beliefs of others" pretty much sums up my journey right now.

The hard work isn't so much pulling out the chaff/weeds planted by others, it's having to repair the soil and plant new truths that will nourish and sustain me into the next phase of my life. The roots of the old chaff go deep and keep sneaking back up to choke out the new growth...requiring vigilance and constant care (and replanting) to ensure that the new growth (ie, way of thinking) becomes rooted enough to hold its own and thrive through anything new seasons might throw at it.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)