Seeking Peace

Maybe it’s the fact that all three young adult children are home. Maybe it’s because it’s summer and I want to play more and work less. Maybe it’s that I’m a boomer woman and experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms. Maybe it’s a bit of all the above. Who really knows?

Lately, I’m seeking peace. I want deep down, honest to goodness, peace in my heart. I want the kind that can only come from the love of Jesus.

Early morning, while sitting on the patio, surrounded by my Bible, journal, study, and prayer folder – petunia aroma, chirping birds, buzzing locusts, sun to my left, tall pines to my right, dog at my feet, I feel it seep in from the top of my midlife highlighted head to the bottom of my pink pedicured summer toes. The peace settles in and resides completely.

Then I close my God centered items, place them back in the basket at the kitchen table, head off to throw in laundry, water a few plants, straighten from the hours of young adult livelihood lived while hubby and I slept, and then get to work.

There are calls to make, emails to answer, forums in which to post, bills to be paid, writing to do, contest entries to be read, and the list goes on.

A couple hours later, I’m searching… The house phone rings, work phone, cell phone – all ring – friends come to call, the kids are coming and going, the dryer buzzes, dog barks, mailman arrives – the demands are piling up. Life’s in full swing.

I’ve lost that peaceful feeling. Sometimes - by God’s grace, I hear that still small voice and I’m called back to peace.

Other times – I’m so wrapped up, so charged, full steam ahead, lots of energy, onward, and I lose it totally…

until I awaken the next day, check in with God, and begin again.

I’m grateful He’s willing to greet me each morning, forgive me for losing Him, and allow me to begin again.

Does this sound familiar?

For God is not a God of confusion, but a God of peace. -1 Corinthians 14:33
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.