1) Grown your own food, or some of it
2) Carpool (an obvious one)
3) Open your windows and shut off the air cond. when you can and this will help to lower your utility bill.
4) Walk whenever possible to pick up groceries and other small errands (This is one I will commit to)
5) Wear my clothes more than once before washing
6) Keep those phones, toothbrushes, etc. unplugged unless they need charging.
7) Use more coupons and pay more attention to sales
8) Buy in bulk at places like Sam's Club or Costco and do so with a Buddy...share the expense of the bill, and split the goodies.
9) Also make a garden with a buddy, that way, you don't have to do ALL of the work...you could rotate
10) Gulp...cut off cell phones
11) Buy clothes and toys for the grandchildren over Ebay or flee markets.
12) Use the library more, instead of buying books
13) Concentrate on recreation near you, instead of miles away.
14) Dry clothes outside, instead of the drier.