Hi, I'm new here, but nevertheless I wanted to share one (I've got lots ) of my most favorite Bible verses:

This week I have been pondering about the goodness of God.
While every Christian would readily consent that God is good, I have realized that we all need a greater revelation about how wonderfully good he really is.

I noticed that I sometimes fall short when it comes to excitedly expecting to experience that goodness, here and now, in every area of this life.

Psalm 27:13 reveals that we are to believe to see the goodness of God in this present life.

Without realizing it, I had stopped expecting something good to happen. I expected that today was going to be just like yesterday, and that some day in the future this verse would come true in my life.

I've determined to wake up each morning and praise God thanking Him for all the good things that will happen TODAY in the land of the living!

How much goodness of God are you really expecting to see...today?

We can raise our expectations up high, because God is able to do all things exceedingly and abundantly above anything we even dare to believe for (Ephesians 3:20).
Bettina Langerfeldt, who has a passion for helping others develop their God-given talents