Prayers are with you..waiting on mamo results must be one of the most stressful ordeals a woman endures. At my last one after the week wait 'yep a week!', just to get a letter telling me to make another appt. Of which one wasn't available for 5 days, then another week for results of the 2nd appt (where they did the mamo + ultrasound)...I got the results by calling, then by mail..3 weeks after that my Dr's office calls to tell me everythigs fine?...DUH-de-DUH-do! Just wanted to let you know this Boomer Sis feels your frustrations & hopes for the Very Best for You. Diddley on technical terms and jursidiction, 'it's our boobs, tests & $..Talk Lab Tech!' Do keep us posted, it's helpful to have a listener that dosen't make light of our fears. A dear friend of mine told me the stats on breast cancer and the odds being remote. Simular to what Dotsie mentioned, it helped..but I still wanted to scream. Very natural to be a bit unnerved, but think positive.