As I recently came back from a ladies gathering in the
Milwaukee area, I thought I would share some tips that
have worked for us many times over the past ten years.

Location -- not sure what cities you have in mind to vote for,
but it helps if it is a major city, for those flying in. Having
to connect to smaller cities can add alot to the cost.
(by the way, I missed the Vegas meet due to family drama; all okay now)

Hotel -- if possible, pick a hotel with suites or some suites.
At one of our past gatherings, eight of us stayed in a 2-bedroom suite
with double beds in both, and roll-aways to help. Fun!!
And if no suite, then a hotel agreeable to most.

Also, a hotel that has free shuttles to the airport is nice, like the
Best Western Midway Hotel near Milwaukee that we just came from.
And for a small cost, they took us to places of our choice.
Like the Potawatami Casinos, LOL!!

The hotels we chose all had areas where we could comfortably
gather as a group for as long as we wanted, even 24-7 if needed LOL!!
For example, at the Best Western they had a big atrium area with
lots of tables for everyone to sit at. We spent alot of time
hanging together and chatting and laughing, and some brought goodies
and wine for all. There was so much laughter throughout the days,
even the hotel staff got into it with us.
I brought boxes of macadamia nut chocolates for all.

Sightseeing and activities..we did some of that, but not overly, as
we were there to enjoy each others' company. I arrived in Milwaukee
a few days early so that I could spend time with another friend
who happened to live in the same area.
(note: some brought husbands, and they fit right in LOL!)

Anyway, just thought I would add what has worked for us
year after year.
I can't wait to see what the next meet plans are!!
