I'm back - until August. Finished with classes and fully recovered from a very stressful 5 months! I have been checking in on y'all daily but often didn't have time to post. I have missed you!

So what's new? We're still remodeling. The bathroom is 99% done; the master bedroom is 95% done; the laundry room is 98% done. We moved out of the old bedroom and into the new, then moved the living room into the old bedroom so the LR can be remodeled. Next time, we are NOT going to live in a house while we do a complete remodel! What a mess!! Of course, it does give me a perfect excuse to not go gung ho on the cleaning.

We have a new addition to our family of me and my partner, our dog and two cats. Spud was a foster dog we had for 3 weeks and then adopted. He's a 'phantom' miniature poodle. (I don't know why 'phantom') That means he's black with tan eybrows, tan socks, and tan on his chest and under his chin. He's maybe a year old and was abandoned twice in 24 hours so now he has severe separation anxiety. But he's so loving and cute. His nickname is boing-boing - because he bounces up and down on his back legs like he's on a pogo stick! We weren't sure how Peanut would react - she's an Australian Cattle Dog (Queensland Heeler) and is bossy and stubborn and very spoiled. But she loves Spud and mothers him. They are really funny together - he chews on her ear and she doesn't seem to mind - and chase each other around the back yard. I'm glad they get along as Peanut was really depressed for a while after Archie died.

I am so happy to be back - did I mention how much I missed y'all??
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich