
I have 3 browsers on my computer. (yahoo came with DSL but I only use it to play games *ahem.*) When I boot up, all browsers are on my desktop but none is active. by meredith

Microsoft was trying to buy Yahoo, not too long ago, to be THE MS search engine, hoping to beat out Google's popularity. The deal fell through, I think.

Yahoo is a search engine, I think????? ... and may I please add a BIG caution on playing Yahoo games?... even tho security is being beefed up, I've heard playing games live opens up doors to your computer, (note the word "live"). It might be when you download Yahoo games, you can expose your computer to bad guys, too. I use to play Literati all the time... I have to do so through IE, because Mozilla Firefox wants me to download more plug-ins (which I've yet to do)... when I was active on Yahoo game boards, I got all kinds of Yahoo junk mail in my game playing sign-on account. I don't frequent the game boards much any more, since my hub got me this computer. It might be safe now... I don't want to take chances.

One recently added feature by Yahoo, that I like, is their sign-in seal.