I'm so impressed with what you know gims. And you tell your Mama and Papa you know `somtin` ...and a heck of a lot!
It's crazy. I know a lot of things about programming and web pages, but I got real big black holes for the rest of the stuff. If I ever should have time again, I would love to take a computer course from scratch, and work my way up. I can understand Chatty...I never heard about Firefox. Sounds like a mean cocktail to me.

How did you gals learn all these things? Have you taken courses? Do you read up on it yourself? Or has big brother been teaching you? I have never taken a course, and have been learning through trial and error. My computer guru has taught me some things about making a web page, but I have a sneaky suspicion that he doesn't tell me everything; because he wants me to keep paying for his services.