This is really interesting...everytime someone mentions something they'd like to learn how to do, I think, yeah, I'd enjoy learning that too. After a couple of years of inability to be interested in anything, I'm enjoying this new burst of curiosity in all things possible!

JJ, I used to enjoy putting a lot of creative energy into wrapping gifts. But I never learned how to make bows and had to resort to using store-bought. Nowadays, I'd like to get creative about figuring out reusable options for wrapping and topping gifts...I've used tea-towels in the past, but I'm sure there must be other stuff out there that would make innovative and useful gift wrappers/toppers.

Last Christmas, I topped my granddaughter's gifts with an assortment of ornaments, but the one topper she enjoyed the most was a pair of fuzzy purple gloves.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)