I would probably really enjoy working with stained glass. My brother-in-law used to make lamps...I'd love to make a stained-glass torchiere lamp for our living room. One of my best friends is a full-time teacher, but his passion is working with stained glass...his work is phenomenal ( http://www2.cyg.net/~parart/pages/artwork.htm ). I had the chance to work with him one afternoon and enjoyed it immensely.

My problem isn't time, it's space. Our house is tiny, no room for a studio or workshop of any kind right now...I've mentioned to hubby my idea of turning the small spare room into some kind of studio and prayer room. But he wants to keep it as a spare bedroom...it's been two years since anyone used that room as a bedroom. We use it to store all of the stuff we buy throughout the year to take to our friends in Cuba (the room is jam-packed full already, and we won't be going until next January! So far we have eveything from Hot Wheels and Spiderman underwear to kitchen knives and about 20 bottles of sparkly nail polish.) So if we did renovate that room, we wouldn't have any place for the Cuba stuff, and that is our number one passion and commitment.

Anyway, we're still working on some innovative ideas as to how to create a creative space.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)