"...ride a motorcycle done that , trained showdogs done that…oops…show dogs, not hubbys? No haven’t done that, belly dance hahahoho Mrs. Santa Claus laughing over here, sing, done that..now I can only sing baritone, paint yes, yes , and on and on and on. …..”

JJ, I love doing graphic work on my computer. The Microsoft enables me to create really nice expose´s.

If I had the time…which is what most of us lack, I would love to learn all the ins and outs of website making and market my skills. Although, this branch, like so many others is taken over by finished websites to download for minimum fees. But they just can’t be as individual as a customer may like…so maybe there is a chance.

When you say graphic art, do you mean on the web or on canvas?

I would like to take a sailing course for oceon sailing, which involves navigation skills, and screaming for help as loud as you can.

Edited by Edelweiss (05/08/08 08:14 AM)