I say let's have a party...a welcome home party for our Edelweiss who's been stuck "on the outside looking in" but is finally back home with us again.

I'm not much good at throwing parties, so am calling all you wild party-people to bring banners, flowers, cake, Chips (you know the ones I mean), chocolate (chocolate-dipped Chips are scrumptious), oreos, Elvis...whatever else you think we need to make this one super-duper cyberparty...this is a great day and a blessed homecoming to celebrate!

(PS...I put this in the Spiritual Inspiration forum because most of the other ones are active...besides, Edelweiss is a wonderful blessing and inspiration, so what better place than here to have the party!)

Edited by Eagle Heart (04/22/08 02:04 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)