Gims...whoooooooh. How absoutely breathtakingly beautiful We have a few live oaks on our place but not a view like yours...and we do not have Spanish moss, which I think adds to the lovliness.
Have you heard of water oaks? They're sort of like the live oak...they both seems to drop their leaves as weird times of the year...spring time instead of fall...makes a mess to clean up.
The limpines are absolutely awesome...gosh, I wish they grew here...probably could not stand the humidity.
I'm heading back outside...gotta mow the lawn...AND I finished my quilt, finally. My quilting group is meeting over here next week for a break from quilting...but, you can be sure we'll be gabbing about our main love...quilting. Miss you all bunches and you're never far from my heart.
The pictures are lovely.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards