What I like about them also is that you can make them any size you want to as long as you find the foamcore boards. They are so light weight that it's not a problem hanging them.

You know I didn't think of doing any and giving them to organizations, cool idea JJ. Eagle see you can turn it to the long side and make it work the same way, all you have to do is configure your ribbon to work.

Oh, I must say that after I put the upholstry or chair pins in, I also glued them tight. Just a precaution.

I'm glad everyone likes the idea, we had a great time with them. Matter of fact, they are still hanging in our respective rooms. Need to get them down and put away so I can enjoy them for next Christmas.

Louisa I never heard of those dolls either but they sound pretty and lots of little girls would enjoy making them with their grandma's.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008