Yes, you may join my pity party, but I don't think we should have it for too much longer. Pity parties can get depressing. Not good to wallow in our losses.

I can relate to your friends moving away. There seems to be the same trend here in the U.S. People move quite often for their professions, and others move to bigger houses in the country.

Some make moves that are best for their families and others make moves for bigger and better.

Is enough ever enough? Many from our generation seem to think enough is never enough. [Roll Eyes]

I do have a dog and you are not the first person to mention taking her along for the walk. I have been doing the walk/run thing because I get bored problem. I think I have ADHD... [Wink]

I am having thoughts of starting a walking club. Not really a club, but just a time and a meeting place to walk each day for anyone interested. Have to pray on this because I don't want to complicate things, but I know there are women who like to walk, talk, and get the exercise we need to keep our sanilty.

Julie, I hope you get out with the dog soon. Walking is so good for the body and mind! Hope you get back to it soon. I started walking when my kids were little. My husband would come through the door at the end of the day and I would take off with a dear friend who has also moved. Great memories! [Big Grin]