
Thought I'd share that when Mom was dying of cancer, and too sick to go anywhere, all the adult girls in the family had a sleep-over with her. It was a blast. My youngest sister is hysterical and she was in rare form that night. We laughed at her recollection of family memories until we cried.

Now I wonder why we haven't had another sleep-over. SOmeone doesn't need to be dying to do such fun things.

Sleep-over sounded like a good time with dying mom. Not sure we could ever do such a thing my mother (if she should contract a long-term illness) given her personality, language barriers, strained relationships with adult children (she likes to be always in control), etc. I dunno, maybe something like a big long slideshow movie with of our family photos over the decades,... while we all have popcorn (no, I think it would be dim sum).

come to think of it, maybe it IS something we should do during a happy mega family reunion barbecue next time...not wait until one is at death's doorstep.
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