No one escapes this ending in life. Everytime we go to a memorial service we're faced with our own mortality. I think as one ages it just becomes closer to one's mind. I don't think anyone looks forward to the journey, especially if you value and try to enjoy life. But the fact that we're all here for a limited time makes life even more precious and to be lived and not wasted. And how can you really understand that until you've lived to a certain age? I'm so blessed to be going back into hospice work full time. I consider it a privelege to help people cross that threshold in as peaceful and comfortable way as possible. Religion is obviously a comforting way to view death for believers. I have also seen that abused many times with hard lined preachers and teachers who are all black and white in their thinking. Everyone deals with death in their own way.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett