Is this subject taboo
... no one seems to want to talk it... for whatever reasons - all understandable - so may I suggest reading the book dotsie recommended, whether you are living it (as she said in another post), or not.
I have been reading from the five books I have on the subject (three of which are Christian based), and I am revamping what death and dying mean to me.
Dying and death are not to be put in the same bucket... to me anyway. Death is easy, it seems. It's the dying that can be hard.
So the question above, "Do you fear death?" has changed to "Do you fear dying?"
I've been putting myself in my dad's place as I've been reading. I've developed a very tender new spot in my heart for him. I'm seeing him altogether differently, too, for some reason. Can't explain that part.
This reading is giving me a different perspective on life, in general, as well. Having battled suicidal* thoughts in my not so long ago past (thank time and the Lord for getting me beyond those), I am cleaning that slate in my mind written on in that period of my life.
What's oddest is I don't think I could have read this stuff earlier than now... not even last year... and it mean anything... really mean something to me.
And, you know what? I picked up the book dots mentioned for all of $.10 at a local thrift store, put it on my shelf and forgot about it. When she mentioned it, I checked my bookshelf (as I usually do before buying or renting from the library) and there it was. I didn't even know what the book was about when I bought it... I bought it because it was $.10 (the weird reason I buy books sometimes).

*I still have them fleetingly, but I don't "battle" with them now.