First, I want to thank Dotsie again for pointing me to the book, Final Gifts which I actually had on my bookshelf but hadn't even picked up to read - I didn't even have it on my TBR list. DUH! After reading a bit, I recognized another title, and went to see if I had it. Sure 'nough, I did.

I stayed up this morning thumbing through five of the books I own that either were written about death and dying, or that have chapters pertaining to the subject of death and dying. Reading sections, from one book to another, opened my eyes to how much we ignore about death.

Do you all care to talk about death and the process of dying?
If yes, some opening questions:
Do you fear death?
Do you look on it as a reward to life?
Do you wish it didn't have to be a part of life?
When you really think about it, does it paint life differently for you?
Does it challenge your feelings of personal significance?
Does it render your earthly endeavors meaningless, making you realize how insignificant we each are in the grand scheme of things?
(so many other questions come to mind)

I'm thinking of my mom and dad and the whirlwind of feelings, thoughts and questions they must be dealing with. They are both Christians, believing in the afterlife, but I wonder why their comments and actions come across as so odd to me... as Christians, I'm thinking they'd welcome the final call.

Your thoughts?