Has anyone read A Course in Miracles? Marianne Williamson, the author of "A Return to Love" is teaching ACIM via the Oprah web site. Following is a passage that struck a chord with me. In one of my TV interviews I tried to explain to the anchor that traumatized people, including myself, often view the world from a fear based perspective. A shift can be made to a love based perception. That shift is a conscious choice. The shift can be made in the context of mind and spirit. The shift can be made with or without therapy. The shift is transformative for the traumatized person. It does not change the world, but it changes how one perceives the world. And the shift has cumulative, life enhancing effects on the individual's psyche as well as the collective consciousness of those around the individual. The following explains why this shift is necessary for peace of mind. (The text uses the male pronoun.) ***…describes the way anyone who holds attack thoughts in his mind must see the world. Having projected his anger onto the world, he sees vengeance about to strike at him. His own attack is thus perceived as self-defense. This becomes an increasingly vicious circle until he is willing to change how he sees. Otherwise, thoughts of attack and counter attack will preoccupy him and people his entire world. What peace of mind is possible to him then?*** Attack, counter attack, defense: those are words of war, when what we seek is peace. Amen.