NO-THANK-YOU. Period. After being on the computer all day with work, the last thing I want to do is sit at a screen and read. It has nothing to do with how great the product might be, just that I do not want to sit at a screen and read. Actually, I don't think I would want to do that even if I didn't work all day on a computer. Like Dotsie said, there is something about holding a book in my hands that says to my mind, I am part of the story. I am the character...or I am in the scene. Something personal. Does that make sense? Not to mention I want to have it accessible to me for references, immediately. What if the "system" OR memory card went bad? The book is behind me in the library. No thanks...

Not only that, can you imagine how much LESS an author is going to make if they have to compete with this? Its hard enough making a living as it is...