Yeahbut (my favorite word)...this is a quilting forum! Okay, everyone...don't yell at me because Dee said so!! One story...and if I need to tell more then we'd better move! When I was a junior in highschool I absolutely detested my English teacher....he was new, geeky, NON-smiling and had beady little eyes. The biology lab was directly over his English classroom. day in the lab I instigated a wonderful plan. Of course, there are always a few kids that will follow anybody and do anything. We were working on pig fetuses....yup, I know...grossss. But that's where we did those things. We had a free spirited sort of biology teacher and he was off galavanting (don't yell at me for that word either) somewhere. We attached several fetuses to heavy duty string, opened the windows and very, very slowly lowered them down to the windows of Mr. Geek's class. It was hilarious!!!! Several of his students got sick or ran from the room and Mr. Beady-eyes is hanging out his window trying to see who was doing this! It was well known through the school and NO ONE ever 'fessed up to it. Sure, we all got lectured about it but I had a way of just sitting there looking unimpressed. When we had a reunion and a memory tour, we were walking by the lab and everyone just broke out in hysterical laughing at the same time...we were all remembering!!! Oh my, I was a bad girl but I had a lot of fun.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett