NOTE: I've never made a quilt... but, I think it would be more than we could do... Now, how is that for being pessimistic ?~!~?
We'd need to have a square submission fee - to cover backing, border, batting, and thread - someone might donate construction time.
Using 5x5 finished squares (6x6 true, 1/2" seam allowance), it would take 324 squares - ouch! - to make a double sized quilt. That's without a top-side border. With a sizable border it would take fewer (5 inch border would reduce the count by approx. 68 squares). Unless, I'm doing the math wrong.
Another option, which might be more workable, would be a NABBW wall hanging.... or pot holder. J/K

Theme would have to be "boomer women"
Background color maybe pale yellow, trim dark pink,
color in squares: any and all colors - just like our personalities

Just some thoughts if anyone is truly interested. Dots might be thinking, OMG! do what?!