Hi JJ....Yes, it's a lot of fun to create...I'll send you a picture IF it turns out looking okay...oh, what the heck...even if it's not! The point is to have fun when you do these things...crocheting, knitting, painting, learning a new language...whatever. Now that I'm retired it's nice to know that I have the time to do things I enjoy that I didn't have time when I was working fulltime.
You do something I could NEVER get the hang of...knitting. I just cannot work two needles at the same time...must require using both sides of the brain at once...mine doesn't work that way. What are you knitting JJ? Got any pictures of your projects?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards