Humlan, your love and care are so precious to me - thank you! I'm sorry to have worried you - the illness has been a combination of a gastro-virus I picked up during the cruise and a cold, which my grandkids gave me as a New Year's gift. The cold continues to zap my energy at times, but I'm able to do housework and get out and about now, so am on the mend. And since we're going south soon, and it's almost impossible to get things like antibiotics there, I'm going to the doctor on Monday...normally we try not to resort to medication, but this time she'll probably give me a prescription to take with me "just in case".

But emotionally, mentally I'm doing so much better now. On a much more even keel, spiritually grounded again, and staying well above the grief these days. The women here HAVE helped, enormously, in helping me through...I know without a doubt that I'm more stable now because of the wisdom, love, care and prayers that everyone here has poured into my life and heart. There is no way I can ever repay such kindness, but I can only hope that my continuing presence and voice here will find ways to "pay it forward".

Thank you again for your caring love, Humlan. I think of you so very often and always hope/pray that all is well with you too over there across the pond. You may be geographically far away, but the heart knows no distance - you are right here in mine more often than you know.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)