I write my poetry each day. Also keep in touch with my son in the city on email so often pop in.
I look at weather reports also.Often I wonder when I see the long list of names on user list where the women who joined are.If they read but dont post.
If I dont reply to a post its because in that case I have nothing to add. Unlike in a physic group the last person to say something is usually smiled to or nodded to often here someone adds another slant and the topic changes .Then the topic can change and evolve. I love being shown a link and learning a new fact.Being in the UK means that I am a minority also not being a US citizen abroad like some.Often I have to debrief what I read.Politics...here I could contribure big time.I am at a distance regarding some things.Lola is busy But I can relate to her due to her living in London.I have a card to sent of a royal chapel nearby and I like that.As for Vegas...no way could I be there but I like reading and learning.Humlan why are you living in Norway?My daughter has visited there.and after all Norway once owned Orkney so we are comrads.
Mountain ash