I have heard of him, read one of his books, and listened to his radio programs before. To me, he does have a sound program. I like his no nonesense approach to it as well. It may sound harsh to some, but don't we ALL justify whatever is going on in our lives, even how we spend/waste/whatever money?

He says, stop with the excuses but he doesn't end it there. He gives well thought out roadmaps as how to do it.

Another person who does this is Mary Hunt. She is at www.cheapskatemonthly.com

I have her book and have followed her program before. It works very well and is similar to Dave's. Suze Orman is another one.

I saluate you for investigating this! I think a lot of debt problems (I'm talking about my own, not yours) come from spending beyond our means (gimme, gimme, NOW) and credit cards being so accessible. The other is NOT saving anything, or paying OURSELVES first.

Just my two cents worth.