Artlady, I'm sorry for your pain! I do not have this particular experience but I could feel your pain in your post! It seems just terrible!
I know this: There is a beautiful life after divorce! There is a life that deserves those cards that congratulate you on your divorce!
I have been divorced and I had to get on my feet from almost nothing. I made it out of that to a much better and more secure place when it felt like I would never catch up to what I had before! I did it, and you can do it too!

You are in a lovely place to write about your feelings and the women here are great friends to have! They will welcome you and someone here can relate to you on just about everything!

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry it is under the circumstances it is now but I truly believe that your life will improve and you will be happy again. I am sorry it hurts now, very much!

Please keep posting and tell us how you feel!


"Question your privilege"