And the saga client went into the hospital and will be going to a facility after. That's why in this business, you need severall all of the time. So I feel I'm back to square one and have done everything I know how to do as far as marketing. So again I'm looking at a regular job until things can pick up. I've been caught in a difficult position. I'm in an enterprise program with the state and receive my weekly payments. Any work I do for my business is not deducted. However, if I get a regular job I lose it. So I've been holding out as long as possible but I can't foresee this going on indefinitely. I need income now. If I get a job, there's a chance I'd have to leave it rather quickly if/when things pick up!!...which really isn't fair to a job and yet I'd have little choice. Any ideas on legitimate things I can do from home that would pick up the slack? Just wondering what my immediate future should be and would love your comments and ideas...thanks!
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett