after a car crash i had and have trouble with car/lorrie lights in winter time. Think it was to do with the fact of a lorrie bearring dowen on my wee snmall car. It missed swasing me flat by inchess, i was in shock and sat their swished up in a car that weels wouldn't turn for a while before some other lorrie stopped and moved the car off the middle of the duel carrige (intersection) as mountain pointed out its that part of the barin that sauying stay away from ths situasions for you owen good. it dose interfear with my driving and even when i am a pedestriane. still i know what my braines doing so some cognitive work, ok ok talking to myself helps. i had PTSD after the crash and some worsening back sholder and hip problems. i take painkillers and just started some more physio, i got fibromyalgia couse of it or some ongoing emotional strain in my life.
anyhow, the other bit of it was i heard voices in my head telling me to slow dowen, i did but wondered ya know the whole hearring voices bit lol, the slowing definatlie saved my life, it could all have been worse. So maybee shock, maybee nerves but the world seemed calmer and stiller imidiatlie afterward. All i could say was well thank god i am alive....i did think god or some forces was talking to me then gave me a big big big hug to keep me calm after it......meridith i so get the bit of being in pain to a high degree weer one wonders if it be better off dead so the pain wonld't be their. I never do that now but i so much get that level of pain. there that my wee bit added.

i still wqalking away from this thread feeling a bit humbler,so thanks ladies. gonna go sort out lucien now.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn