Here's something on Promoting on Amazon to get the conversation started. (-:

Use Amazon to Build Loyalty to YOUR Business, YOUR Book, to YOU

I rarely talk sales when I can talk about more important things like cross promotion and branding."

Still, I thought I'd I'd like to talk to you about how Amazon may be used to Improve Your Amazon Ratings. That, of course, is tantamount to improving your sales but you benefit in other ways, too.

A drop in the promotion-bucket that Amazon offers you, can move those Amazon ratings drastically! Here are some ways to do that:

1. Use Listmanias on Amazon and, along with your own book, sprinkle in the titles of your author-friends. If you're a reader, do your favorite authors and your fellow offers and bukld a Lismania to share what you like in reading. After your Listmania appears, let authors and your fellow readers know you just posted a Listmania. That's a way to make a new promotion friend and keep an old one.. There is a chapter in THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER that tells you how to use this free promotional perk along with a lot of other free tools on Amazon.

2. When you read a book by an author you know (or even one you don't) do yourself and them a favor by adding a review to Amazon. It takes but a minute and YOU and your book get exposed too, if you use a promotion-savvy signature.

3. Tell other people about the books you've just read in your Amazon plog. Another name for this plog/blog is AuthorConnect ™. You're reading one right now. You do have one don't you? You should, even if you aren't an author. It's a great way to let friends know what you want for your birthday! Ask your friends to pass on the word about your plog/blog. This is known as viral marketing and it works.

4. Wanna know more about making Amazon part of your community? Check out Janet Elaine Smith's PROMOPAKS, Fran Silverman's BOOK MARKETING FROM A TO Z. and my THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER. We all love Amazon.

5. Check out my audio classes at Click on the button on the right for Audio Classes. Notice we offer a FREE one called A Do-It-Yourself Guide To Promoting Easy And Cheap! That freebie offers other Amazon tips. You can find more marketing, writing and tech tips at

6. If you're an author, flesh out your book's page on Amazon. If you're a reader, add tags to the books you've read and enjoy the book pages where the author has taken care of their readers by adding more information to their pages. Use the Wiki to add info on awards, other publishing you've done or what you might know about a particular book or author (judiciously, of course! (-:. Add pictures. Have some fun.

7. If you have a book suited for it, you can even add pictures to your book's page. Check out my "Promote or Perish" picture on The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't page. Readers can put pictures here, too!

8. Don't get caught up in sales to the detriment of exposure on Amazon and other online stores. The Amazon publicity is invaluable.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Author
Winner USA Book News' "Best Professional Book 2004"
#1 Bestselling E-book at:
Author award-winning THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER and THE FRUGAL EDITOR. "After reading , THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER you may know more about book publicity than your publisher." ~ Tim Bete, director, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop