Vicki, the number one problem we writers have is with something most of us don't consider as important as our manuscripts. It's our query letters. They're the first thing agents, contest judges, producers, editors, etc. see and they might not even get to your poem or manuscript or your idea for a TV series if your query is off.

The number one mistake it query letters. It's nothing to do with grammar (and lots of the things in The Frugal Editor don't have anything to do with grammar). It's telling agents that you always wanted to write. It's just a big yawn and you only have one page to entice them.

How do I know that? Agents told me. I interviewed hundreds and quoted twenty. (BTW, they're listed in the appendices).

What a great start that is Vicki! Thank you!

So, you can all now see that I even approach editing as a marketing device (sometimes!). LOL.

I am just so happy to be here. I'll check back tonight.

Author award-winning THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER and THE FRUGAL EDITOR. "After reading , THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER you may know more about book publicity than your publisher." ~ Tim Bete, director, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop