I am blown away by the friendliness and closeness on this site. I've perused forums for years and have never found anything like it! We're all different and state that at times but that's what makes it so good. And I so appreciate the seemingly very low tolerance for disrespect. Having only been here for a month, I'm already drawn in and addicted....checking it a million times a day when I should be working. Maybe this is just newness for me and I'll settle down after awhile. I feel like I actually know so many of the fine women here. The only thing is, when hearing so much, my heart tends to feel so heavy....not burdened....just heavy for so many. Then I pray for them. I have found such a gift in this site. And, as usual, it came at the exact right time. I often wish I had found this years ago like many of you did, but I have to trust that the timing was perfect. Thank you, Dotsie, for having this borne in your heart to reach out. We boomers are awesome, if I do say so myself!
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett