Some people think Scotland is all tartam and bagpipes.I wrote this to show we have diversity.For Dee and Jaw Jaw...
I'll explain and translate anyone is puzzled.
I am a woman from Edinburgh
I have no plaid
I have no pibroch
My name is not Fiona

My home does not look
Like a shortbread tin
I do not keep cooked porridge
In a table drawer

I do not have the monarch
Of the glen
Above my fireplace
I have no chimney anyway

Had I been born earlier
I may have gutted fish
Picked blue flax
Up to my knees in water

I would not have worn tartan
I am a lowlander

No one in my family
can play the bagpipes.

I adore the landscape of Scotland
and weep for those who were
pushed from their own back door
by a circular letter
Mountain ash